DOING MY CHORES | Free Children Book
May 23, 2020
Love shines through this great illustrated kids’ book . Read how a little girl makes chores fun and easy to do. A fantastic addition to your little one’s free bed time story collection.
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I like doing my chores.

Well, maybe not all of them but most of them.

Hmm, maybe not most of them. But a lot of them.

Okay, maybe not a lot of them. But a few of them.

Well, maybe not a few of them but … None of them!

Just fooling … I really do like doing my chores.

When I do my chores, it helps my Mommy and Daddy, and as you know Mummies and Daddies sometimes need a lot of help.

Sometimes I have chores that I do not like to do.
When that happens I make up a silly game and that makes the chore easier.

Like yesterday, I had to put my laundry away and
I pretended that I was hiding it from my Mommy.
It was fun and I think I remember where I put it.

Just fooling … It is in my dresser where it belongs.

Sometimes when all my chores are done, we go to the park or have other special time.

I know if my chores weren’t done we wouldn’t be able to do that.

“So be important and have some fun.
Do your chores until they are done.”

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