Jun 07, 2020
Curious Samantha enjoys asking questions and trying to find their answers. Download this great free children’s illustrated book and make science fun with Samantha.
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But even though we don’t like the same things it’s still Science so we get along just fine. In fact, our teachers help us better understand Math, technology, current events and trends - all of which are important. We even help each other and have lots of fun.

I like to experiment or take things apart to see how they work. No matter what I do, I tell my mom or dad what I am going to be doing and sometimes even ask for their help. I would never just do something. I could get hurt. Sometimes it’s best to start small, and that’s just what I did. I remember my first experiment in detail and it was a lot of fun to do. I had to do an optical illusion. You may be wondering why that is important and all I can say is that it’s the basis for making
cartoons - and here is why. Our brains fill in the gaps for whatever our eyes aren’t processing. So two different pictures can actually become one or still images can appear to be moving.Try this experiment, it’s lots of fun and there is nothing dangerous about it. Here is what you need:

The Experiment Preparation: • Draw a large birdcage on one piece of cardboard. You are the scientist so make it look like you want. Just make it pretty big.

• What do you think is going to happen if you spin the pencil? I can’t tell you because I did it and this is your discovery.

trying until you do.

• After you draw them hold the paper at arm’s length.
• Close your left eye and focus on the square with your right eye.
• Slowly move the paper towards you.
• At some point the dot will disappear.
• Try it again and make the square disappear.
Close your right eye and focus on the dot with
your left eye. Move the paper towards
you until the square disappears.

You never notice this blind spot because your two eyes work together to cover it up. Just like in the first experiment your brain fills in for the blind spot with the background.
I have a question for you. What do you think will happen if you use a colored piece of paper like red?
If you don’t know, do another experiment and see for yourself.
Science is fun and I am glad I am going to be a scientist.
Maybe you’ll decide to be one too.”

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