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Two swans and a turtle went flying and fell into trouble but as they say, all’s well that ends well. So it did. But why did a turtle take to the skies? Find out more in this free illustrated book for children available for download.

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On a huge mountain, in a big forest, there was a medium sized meadow and a small pond. in this small pond lived terrance, the turtle and his
two best buddies, sam and sally swan.

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Oh, you may think it odd that a turtle and swans were buddies, really true friends, but i assure you – they were. every day the three of them would search the pond for food, swim together and play games, and tell stories on the shore. when it got dark, sam and sally would return to their nest under a large tree and terrance to his den on the shore, by their tree.

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One year there was very little rain and the pond began to dry up. The three friends were concerned and talked about what they should do. “We should stay here.” said Terrence. “The rain always comes and the pond has been our home since we were born.” “I don’t think the pond will last.” said Sally.
“I think we need to find a new home.” Said Sam. Then SAM flew away in search of a new pond.

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After several days, Sam returned to find the pond almost dry and his friends not doing well at all. “Sam!” Terrance shouted excitedly.
“We are so glad to see you! The pond is almost dry. Sally is hungry and scared, and my shell is starting to crack. Did you find a new home?”“Yes,” said Sam. “It is beautiful but very far away and I don’t know how you WILL get there.”

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The three talked for a long time. Then Terrance said, “I will stay here and dig deep into my den and the two of you, my true friends, fly to your new home.” “No!” shouted Sally. “We will all go.” “There has to be a way.” said Sam. The three sat under the bright sun in silence, thinking of a way to get to the far-away pond.

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“I know how to do it!” shouted Terrance. “See that stick?” he said to Sam.
“Sally and you WILL each take an end in your bill and I will bite it in the middle. Then, you can fly to our new home while I hang onto the stick.
We can all be together.” Again, the three sat in silence thinking about Terrance’s idea.

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“It will work.” said Sally. “I agree.” said Terrance. “Maybe.” said Sam.
Sam looked at Terrance and Sally for a few minutes and said, “Yes, I think it will work but none of us can talk or open our mouths, no matter what! Does everyone understand? does very one agree?” “Yes.” said Sally. “I agree too.” said Terrance. “Terrance,” Sam firmly said. “It is most important that you DO NOT talk or open your mouth. Remember, you can’t fly!”“I understand.” said Terrance.

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WITHIN MINUTES, Sally and Sam each had the stick firmly held in their bills. Sam opened his mouth and bit down on the stick. They were off.
Sally Swan and Sam Swan flew side-by-side, separated by a stick,
with Terrance Turtle hanging in the middle. It was a very strange but funny sight.

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As they flew, climbing higher and higher, no one dared talk or open their mouth. Faster and faster, higher and higher, Sally and Sam flew. Terrance was terrified!

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As they passed over a town, they could hear the people talking and laughing. “Look up in the sky!” shouted one boy. “What is it?” asked another. As the people looked up, they began to laugh at the strange sight.
They laughed, whistled, hooted, and hollered at the silly swans carrying a turtle on a stick.

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Terrance heard all the noise but couldn’t look down to see what was going on. Ignoring the advice THAT Sam had given, HIM, he opened his mouth to ask him what was happening. Before he could say a word, he was falling
and looking up at his flying friends.

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Oh, don’t worry. Terrance didn’t get hurt. You see they were close enough to their new home so Terrance fell into THE big, deep pond. But not listening to his true friend could have ended IT differentLY FOR HIM.

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