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UP IN THE AIR | Free Children Book

Flight is fascinating especially if you ‘re a child. Balloons, birds, rockets, butterflies..the list goes on. Read this wonderful free children’s book about a little boy’s love for all things that fly. It will leave you wishing for a pair of wings for sure.

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Free Children's Book
 Free Children's Book
When you stand at your window And look down and around. You will see great, many things Moving on the ground.
 Free Children's Book
Bugs, bullfrogs, babies, Buses, cars, cats and a silly clown. Everywhere you look you’ll see Something rushing up and down.
 Free Children's Book
But if you are bored of looking down, Lift your head and look around. You will find up in the air, As many things are to be found. There are things that glide.
There are things that fly. There are things that hover. And things that zoom by.
 Free Children's Book
Birds of all shapes and sizes Flap their way across the sky. Eagles, crows, sparrows, robins And the mountain black-eye. Beware of flying things that sting
Like mosquitoes and honeybees. Enjoy the moths and butterflies, That float by softly like the breeze. Scrunch your eyes and look really close When you see something above hover. If it’s super tiny, it’s a hummingbird If it’s noisy and huge - a helicopter.
 Free Children's Book

If you feel left out of all that fun Don’t cry and don’t complain. Just grow up to be a pilot And you can fly an airplane. You can zoom around the world Whenever, wherever you want to. And just in case you feel lonesome Take your folks along too.

 Free Children's Book
But if you want to go up Much higher than that, You could become an astronaut
And get into the spacecraft. You could go to the moon, To Jupiter, Venus and Mars. And someday in a space rocket You could reach for the stars.
 Free Children's Book
But if you want to fly up high Right now and right here. Try airships or hot air balloons To float from here to there.
 Free Children's Book
But wait, there’s so much more If you want to be up in the air. Gliding and parasailing Are sports for those who dare. And when you are tired and dizzy
From all the zooming around. You could still be up in the air From right here on the ground.
 Free Children's Book
Get your kite, get your balloon And fly it into the sky. Watch it bob and dive and dance Against the clouds that float by. So when you stand at your window,
Look up and down and all around. There are many, many things up in the air
Just as there are on the ground.
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