Little Ross was sad. He didn’t have a nice new tricycle like all the other children. All he had was an old hand-me-down trike. After sulking he decided to do something about it and made a “trick trike” that was the envy of the neighborhood.
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Little Ross was sad. He didn’t have a nice new tricycle like all the other children. All he had was an old hand-me-down trike. After sulking he decided to do something about it and made a “trick trike” that was the envy of the neighborhood.
It was the first day of Spring and everyone was out riding their nice new shiny tricycles that they got for Christmas.That is everyone but Ross.
Ross didn’t get a nice new shiny tricycle but he did get his sisters old trike.
Ross was sad. Not only was the trike not new and shiny - it was rusty.
How could he ever ride that with all the other boys?
Ross looked at the boys riding their nice new shiny trikes.Then he looked at the old hand-me-down that was now his.He pushed the trike into a corner of the garage and slowly walked into the house
“What’s wrong?” his mommy asked. “You should be outside riding your trike with the other boys.”Well, that almost brought poor Ross to tears.Then he explained to his mommy that the trike …wasn’t new,wasn’t shiny,wasn’t nice …and it is rusty!
Right away Ross’s mommy understood what was bothering him.He was embarrassed to ride his sisters’ old trike, especially when everyone else had a new one.
She looked at Ross and said. “Let’s spend a fun day together. Follow me to the garage sport; we are going to Trick Your Trike!”Ross didn’t know what she meant but in a matter of minutes he found out.
The rest of the day Ross and his mommy were busy in the garage.They took the trike apart, piece-by-piece.They painted it bright red with orange and yellow flames on the fenders.
They polished the handlebars, tires, pedals, and wheels.They painted, rubbed, scrubbed, buffed, and polished each-and-every piece.Neither one of them could wait until it was put back together.
Piece-by-piece, part-by-part Ross and his Mommy put the trike back together.
When they were done, they were both amazed.Right in front of them was a one-of-a-kind tricycle, a truly beautiful Trick Trike.
Ross hugged his Mommy and thanked her for all her help.She smiled and told Ross she really enjoyed spending the day with him.“Now go and ride with your friends,” she said.
As Ross road down the street, his Mommy heard the other boys saying:“What a great trike!”“Where did you get that?”“Wow! Look at the trike Ross has!”
“Can I get one?”“Want to trade?”
She knew Ross was very happy.THE END
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