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Life lessons from Children’s book

Books are most often looked upon as an important educational tool for children’s intellectual development. But books do much more than improve literacy skills and language skills; books impart critical life skills to the young readers that will help them to shape the world.


None other than the famed scientist Albert Einstein believed that “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Imagination is a formidable force, which is strengthened by reading books. Books can help children to overcome barriers, transcend their own limitations and reach out for their dreams. By encouraging creativity and allowing children to indulge their imagination, books nurture the innovators, the creators and the inventors among the young readers.


Curiosity is the driving force behind the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Books give children access to new information and fuel their curiosity about the world around them. While books answer questions, they also uncover fresh puzzles at every turn. This encourages the children to think and rethink deeply and gain a deeper understanding of all that they know. In the quest for satiating their curiosity, many children acquire new skills and hobbies which become a lifelong passion.


Advanced technology has made life comfortable and convenient in innumerable ways. However, access to instant answers, instant responses and instant gratification has its downside. These lifestyle changes have led to an erosion of patience and perseverance in everyone, including children. Books are different, in the most wonderful way possible. Books allow us to linger and savour the experience over time, building up reserves of focus and patience. As the story unfolds and weaves its magic, the young readers are drawn into the pages of the book and held there till the last page has been turned. A remarkable accomplishment in this age of fast-paced entertainment!


Books provide children with the unique opportunity to see the world from a different perspective. When children read books, they observe the story unfolding through another person’s eyes. Even if for a brief period, just for the duration of the book, it builds up the young reader’s empathy for another person. By developing empathy for people different from oneself, children learn valuable lessons in acceptance and compassion. By reading diverse and varied literature, children learn to understand different cultures and different viewpoints.

Empathy is an important factor in building harmonious relationships, reducing emotional stress and improving emotional awareness. A sense of empathy impacts not just the child but also the community as a whole. When children learn to connect positively with others, they also learn to appreciate the importance of their communities. Through empathy building, books help nurture a sense of community and contribute to the raising responsible global citizens of tomorrow.
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